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Roar 2025 Applications and Ballot Draws

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Don’t forget to check the application dates for the 2025 Roar Ballot, which allows you to apply for hunting blocks during the Roar. These blocks provide hunters with exclusive access to key hunting areas during the highly anticipated Roar season. To secure a spot, it’s important to apply as soon as the ballot opens and ensure all details are correctly submitted to avoid any issues with the application process.

roar applicaiton dates for hunting in otago


Balloted Period

The balloted period is for the 20 March to 20 April 2025.

Application Period

Application will be accepted between 1st October and 20th November.

Application Fee


This block is part of the Waianakarua Scenic Reserve, located southwest of Herbert. The area is largely covered in kānuka forest, with tussock dominating the higher elevations on the western side. Broadleaf, podocarp, and tōtara trees can be found throughout most of the valleys. The terrain is generally steep and challenging.


Balloted Period

The balloted period is for the 20 March to 20 April 2025.

Application Period

Application will be accepted between 1st October and 20th November.

Application Fee


This block is part of the Glencoe Scenic Reserve, located southwest of Herbert. The area is predominantly covered in dense kānuka forest, with scattered tussock clearings along the fringes. Broadleaf, podocarp, and tōtara thrive in the valleys. With a northerly aspect and steep terrain, the reserve is home to red deer, pigs, and feral sheep. Access is via Mount Misery Road off State Highway One, just north of Hampden. While the road is suitable for all vehicles up to the Glencoe Run entrance, only 4WD vehicles can proceed from there. Access passes through a privately-owned working farm, so please follow the orange markers along the formed track to reach the Glencoe Reserve carpark.

Waipori Scenic Reserve

Balloted Period

The balloted period is for the 20 March to 20 April 2025.

Application Period

Application will be accepted between 1st October and 20th November.

Application Fee


This block is part of the Waipori Falls Scenic Reserve, located at the southern end of the Maukaatua Range, southwest of Mosgiel. The block is primarily covered by a mixture of silver beech (tahina), kānuka, broadleaf, and podocarp forest, with a small area of tussock found on the tops along the true left of the valley. The area is home to populations of pigs and red deer.

Mill Creek

Balloted Period

The balloted period is for the 20 March to 20 April 2025.

Application Period

Application will be accepted between 1st October and 20th November.

Application Fee


This block encompasses the Mill Creek Scenic Reserve, where beech (tawhai) forest dominates much of the landscape. Tussock grasslands and mixed scrub cover the higher elevations, while the terrain is generally rolling, with steep bluffs found in the lower main gorge. Please note, hunting is prohibited from the cattle yards to the block boundary, and within 500 meters of any houses.


Balloted Period

The balloted period is for the 20 March to 20 April 2025.

Application Period

Application will be accepted till 30th November.

Application Fee


This block forms part of the Catlins Conservation Park, predominantly covered in dense forest with kamahi, rata, and mixed podocarp species. The terrain ranges from rolling hills to steep sections. Access is via Rewcastle Road off the Chaslands Highway, with the road suitable for all vehicles up to the McLean Falls car park at the end.

Catlins (Maclennan)

Balloted Period

The balloted period is for the 20 March to 20 April 2025.

Application Period

Application will be accepted till 30th November.

Application Fee


This block is part of the Catlins Conservation Park, encompassing the Beresford Range and the Maclennan River catchment. It is largely covered in beech (tawhai) forest, with a small area of open ground around the Ajax Swamp. The terrain varies from rolling hills to steep inclines.

Public access is available via Catlins Road, approximately 3 km past the Tawanui Camping Ground, though forestry operations may occasionally restrict passage. From there, you can access the block on foot via the Catlins River Walk.

To access the block via other routes, landholder permission is required:

  • Chloris Pass Road (off Owaka Valley Road, west of Owaka): The road is suitable for all vehicles up to the car park at the Wisp picnic area. Permission from the Wisp Run manager is needed, as gates may be locked. Foot access into the block is available from the picnic area along the Catlins River Track.
  • Back Stream Road (off Tahakopa Valley Road): Vehicle access beyond Tahakopa Valley Road requires landholder permission. From the Conservation Park boundary, access is on foot only.


Balloted Period

From the third Monday in March to the third Sunday in April 2025.

Application Period

Application will be accepted till 31th October.

Application Fee


The Waikaia Forest Conservation Area spans approximately 7,000 hectares of beech forest, featuring terrain that varies from river flats to open tops, with some steep sections. This area is a popular destination for recreation, especially during the summer months, offering several walking tracks, a basic DOC camping area, and a picnic spot at Piano Flat.

As a restricted hunting area, a permit is required outside the 'roar' period. To obtain a permit, contact the DOC Murihiku Office in Invercargill.


Balloted Period

from the 3rd Monday in March to the 3rd Sunday in April every year.

Application Period

Application will be accepted till 31th October.

Application Fee


Leithen Bush Scenic Reserve features steep lower slopes and a series of moderate ridges and spurs that rise into the broad, open tops of the Umbrella Ranges. The lower to mid slopes are dominated by mixed beech forest, while the higher elevations are covered with diverse broadleaf shrubs, ferns, and tussock grasslands. The reserve encompasses approximately 2,333 hectares.

As a restricted hunting area, a permit is required outside the ‘roar’ period. To obtain a permit, please contact the DOC Murihiku Office in Invercargill.

Pomahaka (Gemlake)

Balloted Period

from the 3rd Monday in March to the 3rd Sunday in April every year.

Application Period

Application will be accepted till 31th October.

Application Fee


Red deer and fallow deer inhabit the area. Hunting is restricted to the Pomahaka Conservation Area and is not allowed in the River Reserve sections. The region experiences mild summers and cold winters, with frequent frosts.

Rainfall is moderate throughout the year, primarily from the southwest, and fog is common year-round. The higher elevations can receive snow during winter, and certain areas may be prone to avalanche danger.

Rivers in the region can rise rapidly, so exercise caution when crossing them and always be prepared.


Balloted Period

The roar system will run from Sunday 16 March to Saturday 12 April

Application Period

From 1st October till 1st November.

Application Fee


The DOC Tititea/Mt Aspiring National Park Visitor Centre in Wānaka manages an annual ballot system for hunters wishing to hunt during the roar period. This system guarantees that each hunting block will be occupied by only one hunting party for a seven-day period, ensuring exclusive access to the area.


Balloted Period

April to May 2025

Application Period

From 1st November till 30th November.

Application Fee


All blocks within the Greenstone/Caples Recreational Hunting Area (RHA) require a restricted permit, which is allocated through two annual ballot draws. The ballots are held for:

  • April to May each year, and
  • June to September.

A restricted permit entails:

  • Issuance for a specific hunting block only, and
  • A requirement to request the permit from your local DOC office.

In addition to hunting deer, these permits also cover gamebird hunting, and rabbit, hare, and possum hunting with rimfire rifles, shotguns, and .22s, as well as animal fur trapping.


Balloted Period

From Sunday 23 March 2025 to Saturday 19 April 2025

Application Period

From 3rd September till 30th September.

Application Fee


There are 65 restricted blocks available through the ballot draw, each allocated to one party for a 7-day period (Sunday to the following Saturday) as specified in the dates above. Typically, Sunday marks the start of your hunting period, with Saturday being the changeover day for parties.

Please note: Open block hunting areas have been included in year-round open hunting areas. To hunt on Public Conservation Land outside of your restricted roar block permit, you must hold an Open Area Hunting Permit.

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